Fiberglass. It’s used in everything from Corvettes to boat hulls. It simply permeates our society. And for the commercial diving industry, it is never more prevalent than in diving helmets.
In the beginning, most commercial hats started ...
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Stuck on Adhesives
I was having a long conversation with John Drewniak, formerly of Trelleborg Viking fame. We were talking at length about different suits and their construction. Specifically, he wanted to discuss the different glues. John mentioned that he thought it ...
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Answering Your Gear Questions
This time around, I thought I would comment on some questions that seem to repeatedly come up in conversation around the shop and in the field. These have come up often enough that I thought it would be a worthwhile idea to share them with you.
I ...
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Take Care of Your Umbilicals And They’ll Take Care of You
Greetings fellow divers. This issue, I thought that an appropriate subject would be umbilicals. If you had the fortunate experience to attend Underwater Intervention 2008 in New Orleans (for more on the 2009 event, visit, ...
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Umbilical Maintenance For Public Safety Diving
Greetings fellow divers. This month, I thought that an appropriate subject would be to talk about umbilicals. If you had the fortunate experience to attend Underwater Intervention 2008, you would have seen a plethora of choices when it comes to ...
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